CHAMP at AcademyHealth 2017

May 2, 2017

CHAMP is looking forward to connecting with colleagues at the 2017 AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting in New Orleans June 25th – 27th. We are pleased to announce the following scheduled presentations by CHAMP team members:

Podium Presentations
Sunday, June 25th 2:00-3:00pm

Session: Work Climate Influences on Organizational Performance

“Organizational Influences on Time Pressure, Chaos and Potential Patient Safety Consequences in Primary Care” (2:00pm)

        Presenter: Kathy McDonald

“The Influence of Team Participation and Relational Coordination on Patients’ Experiences of Chronic Illness Care in Primary Care Practices of ACOs” (2:40pm)

Presenter: Jessica Poon

Monday, June 26th 5:00-6:30pm

Session: Implementation and Improvement Science in Health Care Delivery

        Chair: Hector Rodriguez

Tuesday, June 27th 9:00-9:20am

Session: Organizational Configurations and Market Influences on Quality, Choice, and Cost

“Organizational Correlates of Quality and Cost Performance Among Medicare Accountable Care Organizations”

        Presenter: Leeann Comfort

Poster Presentations
Saturday, June 24th 12:30-2:30pm

Poster Session: Health Information Technology Interest Group Meeting

“Ease of Use of Electronic Health Records and Relational Coordination Among Primary Care Team Members”

        Presenter: Jessica Watterson

Monday, June 27th 8:00-9:15am

Poster Session: Measuring Safety, Quality, and Value

“Worrying about Me”: Improved Management of Diabetes through a Text-Message Intervention for Low-Income Patients”

        Presenter: Jessica Watterson