Publication Timeline


2024 Publications


Telehealth Use, Care Continuity, and Quality: Diabetes and Hypertension Care in Community Health Centers Before and During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Tierney AA. BA, PhD*; Payán, Denise D. PhD, MPP; Brown, Timothy T. PhD*; Aguilera, Adrian PhD*; Shortell, SM. PhD, MBA, MPH*; Rodriguez HP. PhD, MPH...


Adoption of Patient Engagement Strategies by Physician Practices in the United States.

Miller-Rosales C, Lewis VA, Shortell SM, Rodriguez HP. Med Care. 2022 Jul 14. doi: 10.1097/MLR.0000000000001748. Online ahead of print.PMID: 35833416

The Reliability of Graduate Medical Education Quality of Care Clinical Performance...


Rodriguez HP and Crane PK. "Examining multiple sources of differential item functioning on the Clinician and Group CAHPS survey," Health Services Research. December 2011; 46(6pt1):1778-802.

Kepka D, Coronado GC, Rodriguez HP, Thompson B. "Evaluation of a radionovela to promote HPV vaccine awareness and knowledge among Latino parents," J Community Health. December 2011; 36(6):957-65...


Bellows NM, McMenamin SB, and Halpin HA. Adoption of Health Promotion Practices in a Cohort of U.S. Physician Organizations, American Journal of Preventive Medicine, December 2010; 39(6):555-8.

McMenamin SB, Bellows NM. Halpin HA, Rittenhouse DR, Casalino LP, and Shortell SM. Adoption of Policies to Treat Tobacco Dependence in US Medical Groups, American Journal of Preventive Medicine...


Rodriguez HP, von Glahn T, Grembowski DE, Rogers WH, Safran DG. "Physician effects on racial and ethnic disparities in patients’ experiences of primary care." J Gen Intern Med. Oct 2008;23(10):1666-1672.

Rittenhouse DR, Casalino LP, Gillies RR, Shortell SM, and Lau B, Measuring the Medical Home Infrastructure in Large Medical Groups,Health Affairs, September 2008; 27(5):1246-1258...


Martsolf GR, Alexander JA, Shi Y, Casalino LP, Rittenhouse DR, Scanlon DP, Shortell SM. The Patient-Centered Medical Home and Patient Experience, Health Services Research, December 2012; 47(6):2273-95. doi: 10.1111/j.1475-6773.2012.01429.x.

Fisher ES, Shortell SM, Kreindler SA et al. “A Framework for Evaluating the Formation, Implementation, and Performance of Accountable Care Organizations.”...


Rodriguez HP, von Glahn T, Chang H, Rogers WH, Safran DG. "Measuring patients’ experiences with individual specialist physicians and their practices,"Am J Med Qual, Jan-Feb 2009;24(1):35-44.


Helfrich CD, Dolan ED, Fihn SD, Rodriguez HP, Meredith LS, Rosland AM, Lempa M, Wakefield BJ, Joos S, Lawler LH, Harvey HB, Stark R, Schectman G, Nelson K. "Association of medical home team-based care functions and perceived improvements of patient-centered care at VHA primary care clinics." Healthcare, December 2014; 2(4): 238-244. doi:10.1016/j.hjdsi.2014.09.008.

Shortell SM, Wu FM, Lewis VA, Colla CH, and Fisher ES. ...